Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Aspens, aspens, everywhere...

This is an older photo, but looking at it just makes me happy!
(And I always want to share happiness whenever I can.)

This photo was actually taken a year ago, in summer, on a hike at Mill Hollow, Utah.

There's something in the grandeur of the sleek, white bark of the towering aspens and the short evergreen 'standing' front-and-center before them. In my imagination, the trees look like the ranks of a pipe organ--the evergreen as the organist preparing to play.

Or, maybe it is a choir?

I wonder what sort of music an aspen grove would make if it could 'sing'....


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you're back! Hi Cat!

Cat said...

Thank you!!
You're so sweet to leave a comment :)

I'm glad someone 'out there' is enjoying this little blog!