Thursday, August 21, 2008


Butterfly 2--Big Springs, originally uploaded by MystifiedCat.

They are everywhere this time of year.

My favorite Saturday hike included sighting dozens of these. Though as the summer wanes and the intense green of the meadow mellows to a golden cast and the summer flowers fade, I realize that it will be a long while until I see these colorful reminders of warm days and green landscapes again.

There is something wonderful in the patterns and hues of what might well be described as 'fluttering blossoms.' And the fact that they are difficult to get a clear shot of only makes the success of it more of an event!

Every year I try to photograph them, and every year I get one or two decent shots. Although, one or two is really all that I need, for in the recollection, it is easy to picture the meadow, the flowers, the butterflies all over again.

A simple yet resplendent gift of nature.

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