Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lost in it all...

I can't imagine NOT going on my Saturday 'escape' hike--especially when I go back and look at the pictures again and get lost in it all.

Thank goodness for digital photography! It makes it so easy to capture a memorable sight, copy and reproduce it elsewhere (such as this blog) and to review it over and over....

When I look back at some of these photos, it's as if I'm standing right there once more. No matter where I am, I'm transported back to the sight of the green, green ferns and undergrowth, the whisper of the aspens and the nearby gurgling stream, the groan of the boardwalk over the springs as you cross, the earthy, pungent smell of decaying fir needles and loamy earth.

Maybe because it is a retreat from 'the everyday' is why it means so much. Because no matter how hectic my workweek has been, I know I can find fresh air and absolute release from that eight-to-five grind, and a morning lost in it all.

I can explore, revel and simply soak it in...and look forward to next Saturday.

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